The Cravings (Good)!
At this point I don't have many cravings, probably because I'm still dealing with the nausea. One thing that I seem to want constantly is fruit. My favorites are bananas, strawberries, and grapes of all colors. We go to the grocery store about twice a week just to ensure I have enough fruit to take to work and snack on over the weekends. They're my go-to snack!
I also have a huge hankering for Biker Jim's Buffalo "Hot Dog." Check out the website, specifically click on the menu, here: Biker Jim was on Anthony Bourdain not too long ago and his food is freaking amazing! The problem is, he's in Denver and I'm in Kansas City. Let me explain to you the awesomeness that is Biker Jim's. First, this is a hot dog stand. He is opening a restaurant now too but there's nothing like a good hot dog stand. Second, he starts with a fresh dog. You choose what it is, they're all unique. I had the Buffalo dog and I think Chad and Lindsey had the Venison or Reindeer dog. Robin chose the good old Koshur hot dog. Biker Jim (or his staff) cook it up right there in front of you on a cast iron skillet. He also cooks up some sauteed onions but they aren't your everyday onions. These are sauteed in Coke. Delicious! He opens up a fresh baked bun from a local bakery, sticks in your piping hot dog, and then comes the magic. He squirts a line of cream cheese on top. Amazing! Then he puts on a good helping of onions and you choose your condiments. Price? Hot dog, chips, and a drink for around $6 or $7. My stomach is now growling!

The only other craving I had was triggered by a commercial and thankfully my husband was at WalMart. I really had to have a Snicker's Ice Cream Bar. My grandparent's have always had them in their freezer and I LOVE them! Yum, yum!
The Aversions (Bad)!
I have no tolerance for meat right now. It doesn't matter what kind of meat it is, I can't really stand to eat it. I do try so that I get some protein going but it's really hard these days. The worst is red meat, specifically roasts or hamburger. Strangely enough, I really don't crave ice cream either. The Snicker's bars were the exception. I love ice cream. It is one of my biggest challenges because I am my father's daughter in this department. Middle of the winter and 20 below, I'm eating ice cream! This is a big change for me. I've only bought ice cream once since we found out we were expecting.
Foods that have a really smooth texture don't work so well for me either. It's not that I can't eat them but they aren't very appetizing either. Examples would be yogurt and pudding. Both are bummers because both are typically in my fridge and in my lunch box! I think the texture just makes me go "BLAH!"
Other than these, no food really sounds good. I describe myself as extremely food averted. I eat because I know I have to, not because I really want to eat what I'm eating (other than the good category). The saddest aversion I have is for most if not all veggies. I can eat salad to a point but things like broccoli, carrots, etc. sound really disgusting.
The Puke List (Ugly)!
I am a food fanatic, fueled by my brother and sister-in-law who have introduced us to all kinds of amazing types of foods and restaurants in KC. So for me to say that I cannot STAND the thought of Vietnamese food makes me a little sad. A few weeks ago I had some...and it then took revenge! That was the worst night I've had so far and I will not repeat it for many, many months.
Cheeze-Its. I made the mistake of feeling sort of yucky and thinking "crackers will help" so I ate some of these babies. Needless to say, I relinquished the contents of the box to my husband immediately. He took them to I don't have to see them.
Hot dogs. Just shoot me if I have to eat another hot dog. I'm not talking Biker Jim's amazingness. I'm talking the kind we all had in our freezer for the summer, thrown on the grill, and eaten up American style. Disgusting. My gag reflex is kicking in....
Other than foods, I've also noticed a few smells. #1 on this list is the foamy soap here at the hospital. I used to love this smell. Semi-antiseptic and clean, it made me feel I was killing any critters on my hands but now the smell makes me want to vomit immediately. At least it's in a good location...the bathroom. #2 is this reed diffuser my coworker has in her office. Gag me now! I'd probably like it any other time but now it just makes me think of really bad things. #3 is flowery lotion. Some lady put lotion on her hands when we were on the shuttle to work the other day...and I had to fight the urge to slap her. What was she thinking???
There you have it. The good, the bad, and the just plain ugly! I'm sure each category will expand in the near future but it's interesting to document step by step what's fantastic and horrible about being pregnant.
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